Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thuthuvalai Thuvayal

Purple  fruited  pea  egg plant   ( Thuthuvalai )   this   is  a  thorny  creeper    that  bears  small   sized   fruits    and   effective    in  balancing  the  function  of  tridosha  ( ie  vata ,  pitta  and  kappa ).   The  leaves  are  also  effective  in  neutralizing    the  excess   heat.   Thuthuvalai   is  good  for  liver ,   asthma   &   cancer    treatments.    We  have  to  remove   the thorn    in  leaves   and  use  it.

Ingredients :

1.    Thuthuvalai leaves                                     ---- 1 full hand

2.     grated coconut                                         ---- 1 tablespoon

3.    Red  chillies                                              ---- 1 no

4.    salt to taste

5.    urad dhal                                                 ---- 1 tablespoon

6.    broken channa dhal                                  ---- 1 tablespoon

7.    garlic                                                        ---- 3 pods

8.    oil                                                             ---- 1/4 teaspoon

Preparation Method

1.   Heat    a  kadai    with    1/4 teaspoon  of  oil  and  fry  red chillies ,   urad dhal ,    broken  channa dhal ,  garlic ,   thuthuvalai  leaves   and  fry   for   3 minutes ,    then  add  grated  coconut     and  fry  for  1 more  minute.

2.    Now  along    with    the    fried    ingredients     add  salt  to  taste    and grind    it  coarse.

This    is   best   to  eaten   with  hot Rice ,    dosa    &  Iddlies.

1 comment:

  1. Thank u for the recipes ma'am. It is as if my mother herself is telling me how to do these.
